Early Head Start serves infants, toddlers, pregnant mothers and their families.
The program utilizes selection criteria that have been approved by our Policy Council and takes into consideration the child’s age, family income, diagnosed disabilities and other factors that impact children.
What is the home based option?
When a family is enrolled in the home-based option, they receive a weekly 1 ½ hour home visit. Twice a month, the child and family member(s) participate in a group socialization experience facilitated by the home visitor. In partnership with home visitors, families set goals, learn about child development, track their infant or toddler’s progress, participate in a parenting curriculum, and have opportunities to play an important role in program governance.
Early Head Start Is A Year-Round Program
The program serves families twelve months out of the year. Children can remain in the program until they transition into Head Start or another preschool after they turn three.
What criteria are considered when selecting children for the program?
- Children must live in United Community Action Partnership, Inc. service area of Cottonwood, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Meeker, Redwood and Renville counties.
- The family must meet income guidelines set by the Federal government.
Apply for Early Head Start or Head Start
Interested in learning more about the Early Head Start or Head Start program? Reach out to our main office!