Our primary goal is to answer questions and connect people with the services that are needed.
Worthington Office
1039 Oxford St, Suite 1
Worthington, MN 56187
Open in Google Maps
Phone Numbers
- Phone: 507-727-1401
Services in Nobles County
*If you have a need that is not listed, please get in touch with UCAP and we can connect you to an agency that may be able to assist you.
Community & Family Services
- MNSure Health Insurance Assistance
- Refugee Resettlement Services
- SNAP Application Assistance
- Emergency Shelter
- Housing Stabilization Programs
- Transitional Housing
- Weatherization
- Getting to Work Car Repair Program
- Helping People Get There Car Donation
Get Involved
Do you live in the Nobles county area and want to get involved? There are multiple opportunities for volunteering throughout the year. If you are unable to donate time, we also accept monitory donations as well.